Board of Management
Board of
Board of
Corporate Management
The Company has established and appointed the Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Internal Audit and Corporate Secretary based on the Decision Letter of the Board of Commissioners of the Company to each Member as follows:
Audit Committee
Leonardus Chrisbiantoro
Dwi Putri Kemuning
Ocky Octaviani Nirmala
Audit Committee Charter [PDF | 2.4 MB]
Nomination and Remuneration Committee
Roma Asianty
Anisa Safilah
Della Widiastuti
Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter [PDF | 3.1 MB]
Corporate Secretary
Devi Nisa Suhartono
Corporate Secretary
Corporate Secretary Decree [PDF | 485.79 Bytes]
Code of Conduct
The Company is very aware of the importance of maintaining the Company's reputation and good name, as this will affect the increase in value and long-term business growth for Shareholders and Stakeholders. For this reason, the Company has a Code of Ethics as a guide for all Management and Employees in behaving and conducting themselves in accordance with applicable norms.
Company Policy
PT Era Media Sejahtera, Tbk - SSPACE [IDX: DOOH] is committed to building a healthy business environment and integrity with the aim of becoming a trusted and quality Company. To maintain this commitment, we have a whistleblowing system (WBS). WBS provides a forum for you to report suspected fraud or violation of law, violation of code of ethics, or violation of conflict of interest committed by SSPACE internal parties.
We will further process complaints that meet the requirements and criteria, if the reporter provides appropriate information and forms. We appreciate your courage to report, and as a sign of appreciation, we are committed to protecting you from repressive actions or retaliation. Therefore, the identity of the whistleblower will be carefully kept confidential, and precautions will be taken to ensure your safety.
In filling out the whistleblowing form, the whistleblower can slice the available form and must be able to explain what happened (what), the parties involved (who), the time of the incident (when), the location of the incident (where), and how it happened (how). Then click 'submit' to send the report. Thank you for your concern and trust in us.